Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Farmers in Maijuju, Jos East LGA, Plateau State

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Goyol, Simi Sekyen
Ibrahim, Thomas Matthew


Climate change poses a huge threat to farmers in the world today as on the average, individuals and groups within all societies have insufficient capacity to adapt to climate change. This study aims to investigate “climate change adaptation strategies among farmers in Maijuju, Jos East L.G.A. Plateau State” in order to prioritize actions for planning against climate change impacts. Quantitative data was obtained using a structured questionnaire administered to 150 farmers through the random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics from Likert scale measurement were used to analyze farmers’ perceptions of climate change, quantify impacts of climate change and identify adaptation strategies to climate change. Data obtained was subject to analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and results presented in descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages. Findings reveal that increase in temperature, late onset of rains, early cessation, and off-seasonal rainfall caused loss of crops, pests and diseases which resulted in food insecurity in Maijuju. Adaptation strategies taken by the farmers to mitigate the climatic effects on their farms are adjustments of planting dates, using different crop varieties, adoption of drought tolerant and early maturing crop varieties, application of agro-chemicals, fertilizer usage and application of animal manure among others. It is recommended that further effort towards complementing local adaptation strategies should be considered as this will positively influence priorities for adaptation actions.

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How to Cite
Goyol, S., & Ibrahim, T. (2024). Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Farmers in Maijuju, Jos East LGA, Plateau State. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 5(1), 16–26. Retrieved from
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