A Classification and Analysis of Metal Content of some Irrigated Crops in Southern Kaduna, Kaduna State
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This study focuses on the identification of irrigated crops in southern Kaduna. It further classified and tested the heavy metal content of the selected crops. In other to achieve this aim, observation, interview, and laboratory analysis of the identified irrigated crops were carried out. This was done based on recognized irrigation sites in southern Kaduna, that is Saminaka, Ashafa, Kachia, and Kogum rivers. Results revealed that there are seventeen irrigated crops identified in the study area, which are made up of cereals, fruits, root crops, vegetables and perennial grass. These are mainly cultivated for commercial purpose, and the number of farmers cultivating each crop type have been identified as well as the cropping calendar for irrigated crops in the area. The study also relate that vegetables are the most dominant irrigated crops cultivated in the study area. The study further classified these crops into low, moderate, and high water intake crops based on their rate of water need. The classified crops were further selected for laboratory analysis to test for the concentration of heavy metals. these include spinach, pepper, tomatoes, and sugarcane. These were selected from each of the three classes because they are consumed on a daily basis and in large quantities in the study area. The laboratory analysis results show high concentration of the tested heavy metals (Cu, Pb, and Cd) in the crops, that is the heavy metals are above the permissible limit of 40mg/kg-1 (Cu), 0.2mg/kg-1 (Cd), and 0.3mg/kg-1 (Pb), thus, concentration level of these metals ranged from Cu > Pb> Cd. These findings imply that the water and soil used for the cultivation and watering of the crops are polluted. Finally, suggestions were given on how to improve and manage the river water resources available to us for sustainable irrigation practices in southern Kaduna.
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